Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Time Well Spent

The first thing I look forward to each spring is hanging clothes out on the line.  After being indoors for so many months I crave some time outdoors.  Hanging out laundry is one way I can be productive and enjoy the fresh air.  Today my girls are hanging their laundry out, it's never too early to start training them!  Their sweet giggles as they work together and interesting comments make it a delight to sit by and witness.  Since the girls were babies I've always tried to include them in everything that needs to happen in a day to keep our home running.  The training and teaching of how to care for self and home was long and sometimes challenging, but now pays off in great rewards.  I am confident that our home would continue to run smoothly with the girls at the helm.  They can cook, clean, do laundry, make minor repairs and keep themselves on a schedule.  Not every attempt is done perfectly, but they are well on their way and I am blessed by their service.

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