Thursday, June 2, 2011

Haunted by God

This morning in my devotional that I am currently reading My Utmost For His Highest by Oswald Chambers I read about being haunted by God.  When we are walking with the Lord and His Spirit fills us we will be so close to him that he haunts us.

"The Psalmist says we are to be haunted by God.  The abiding consciousness
of the life is to be God, not thinking about Him.  The whole of our life inside and out
is to be absolutely haunted by the presence of God." O.C.

At one point in the devotion Mr. Chambers related this to a child being haunted by his mother.  This was a great comparison for me and a motivator of what I am to be to my children now so they can walk steadily and hauntingly with the Lord later.
Our culture and the effects of the feminist movement minimizes the importance of a mother's influence on her children.  Socialist propaganda would have us believe that mothers are more valuable in the workforce and children are better off in a structured peer environment.  Who is haunting our children when we choose this lifestyle?  Who is it that our children run to when harmed, think of when they are about to sin, cry out to when they are scared, look to for comfort and boundaries?  Who do they learn to place their faith in, trust and follow completely?  A school teacher, maybe a daycare provider, a family helper?  Is this one person, or does the person change often?  These are all interesting questions to consider, especially when we look to what we want their relationship to their Father God to be as adults.
If we are to imprint God's character on our children's hearts we must not believe the lies that Satan is feeding us.  There is a price to pay for farming out our children's care to someone else, their education and their moral development.  When my husband and I asked ourselves if we could trust daycare, public school and babysitters with our impressionable children the answer was perfectly clear. NO!
In the course of a day it is so easy to believe that we are failing as mothers.  That our influence is less than it truly is.  When we take into consideration that we are building a relationship between them and God by our faithfulness and trustworthiness, our comfort and care, our presence and dedication it should boost us all up by our suspenders and make us stand taller.  This is no small job to be minimized.  Ladies we are doing something so much more important than we allow ourselves to think.  Perhaps if we really valued our jobs we would find ourselves more motivated.  Be encouraged this day that you are a bridge for your children to understand their Lord and Saviour!

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